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Policy Paper
Wider Sense (2020) explores insights into philanthropic engagement for Europe – an idea they refer to as philanthropy with a European purpose. The report is based on a literature review and 20 interviews with cultural activists, policy makers, academic experts, leading foundation staff and representatives of philanthropic umbrella organisations.
Cheney, S. (2018) Live music production budget. Purfleet: Creative & Cultural Skills. This toolkit provides sample budgets that show the tour of a successful music act. download
Zeqo, K. and De Voldere, I.. (2017) Crowdfunding: Reshaping the crowd's engagement in the culture. Brussels: European Commission. This study examines to what extent crowdfunding is used in the cultural and creative sectors in Europe. Based on information from nearly 75,000 crowdfunding campaigns, the study provides a unique insight into the uptake of crowdfunding since 2013 across different subsectors and models.
Directorate-General for Communication, Networks, content and Technology (2019) Ex-ante Evaluation of New Financial Instruments for SMEs, mid-caps and organisations from the cultural and creative sectors report. Brussels: European Commission. This report looks at the specific challenges that cultural and creative sectors face in funding new activities and enabling growth; these constraints are linked.
a-n Artists Information Company (2016) Exhibition Payment Guide. Newcastle and London: a-n. This guide provides sectoral advice for establishing and agreeing exhibition payments for the benefit of the whole sector; for organisations to establish best practice, for artists to sustain their careers and so that audiences can see art that reflects the full spectrum of human experience.
Policy Paper
The Independent Theatre Council is the association for theatre’s independent sector. This site presents its recommended pay rates for actors, writers, choreographers and directors. Note: different rates from performance to rehearsal, residency, workshop and recordings etc.
Nesta (2018) Crowd in, Venture crowd and Banking on each other reports. In this blog, Nesta explores the potential of crowdfunding to help bring innovative ideas to life and giving advice on how to go about setting up a crowdfunding campaign
Heemsoth, C., Brockmann, C., and Weis T. (eds.) (2018) Exhibition Remuneration Right in Europe 2018. Berlin: Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK). This booklet provides an overview of national and regional exhibition remuneration models that have already been implemented successfully as well as related current recommendations and campaigns by various artists' associations.

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