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Concepts | Type | About | Resource address |
Equality | Report | This report discusses findings from Inequality, Class and the Pandemic (ICP), a research and collecting project undertaken at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. | |
Emergency | Report | Brook, B., O’Brien, D. and Taylor M. (2018) Panic! Class, Taste and Inequalities in the Creative Industries. London: Arts and Humanities Research Council The report adopts an inter-sectional approach to workforce inequalities. As a result, it shows that the cultural and creative sector is marked by significant exclusions of those from working class social origins. It aims to demonstrate how it intersects with other characteristics, primarily gender and ethnicity. | |
Equality | Report | The BAFTA 2020 REVIEW recommends solutions to put in place for the 2021 Awards and beyond, including all aspects of the voting processes, membership and the rules around campaigning. | |
Education | Policy Paper | Spiers policy brief outlines key findings from an Australian Research Council funded study of ASEs undertaken by researchers from RMIT and Charles Sturt University focusing on transition in Arts-based Social Enterprises. | |
Equality | Case Study | Index on Censorship is a non-profit that campaigns for and defends free expression worldwide. One of its special focus areas is artistic freedom. The site displays cases of artistic censorship and also provides assistance to those in cultural sector facing issues of censorship. | |
Economy | Report | Newbigin, J. (ed.) (2016) New and Changing Dynamics: How the Global Creative Economy is Evolving. London: British Council. This report shows how the global creative economy is changing. Published in 2016, it is an updated companion to the 2010 Introduction to the Creative Economy. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Audience Agency (2011) Researching Audiences at outdoor events and festivals. London: Audience Agency. This toolkit aims to provide a framework to measuring and evidencing the impact of an outdoor event. The guidelines provide practical advice for audience research at un-ticketed cultural festivals and other events. | |
Employment | Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 16th ed. Amsterdam: CCPT. This is a web portal that displays continuously updated information on Cultural Employment statistics from the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, and offers a monitoring system of national cultural policies and related development. | |
Economy | Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 16th ed. Amsterdam: CCPT. This is a web portal that displays continuously updated information on Cultural Markets and Trade statistics from the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, and offers a monitoring system of national cultural policies and related development. | |
Education | Report | RWSC, Tate and The University of Nottingham (2018) Time to Listen Report. This report provides an overview of what students say about the value of arts and cultural education. The Tracking Arts Engagement and Learning project (2016-2018) gathered 6,000 responses from young people (14-18) in secondary and special schools around England. | |
Community Engagement | Toolkit | Visser, J. and Richardson, J. (2013) Digital Engagement in Culture, Heritage and the Arts. Digital Engagement Framework. This toolkit presents a framework that helps designing strategies, processes and technologies to systematically engage all stakeholders with the institution in order to maximise its value. | |
Equality | Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 16th ed. Amsterdam: CCPT. Monitoring the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions of 46 countries based on 2018 Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. | |
Equality | Policy Paper | Fribourg Group (2007) Cultural Rights. Fribourg: University of Fribourg. The Fribourg Declaration on Cultural Rights underlines that cultural rights are part of human rights. The text was presented in 2007 by the Observatory of Diversity and Cultural Rights, together with the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and UNESCO. | |
Equality | Data Set | Council of Europe/ERICarts (eds.) Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. 16th ed. Amsterdam: CCPT. A good practices database of culture related projects serving integration of migrants / refugees, based on the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. | |
Ethics | Toolkit | The Royal Society (2018) Integrity in practice toolkit. London: RSA. Integrity in Practice Toolkit aims to improve research integrity and support a positive research culture within organisations. It has been developed by the Royal Society and UK Research Integrity Office. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Rose, C., Sutton, C. and Jarvis, P. (2017) Family Arts Evaluation and Audience Research Toolkit. London: Family Arts. This toolkit aims to share guidance, information and ideas on evaluating family festival events and researching the audiences. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | OPENSpace (2013) Public art: A guide to evaluation, 3rd edition. Birmingham: ixia. This guide has been developed to assist those who need to measure outcomes and impacts of artistic practice in the public realm. It aims to be realistic about some of the difficulties inherent in defining quality and success in art. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Nesta (2013) Theory of Change. London: Nesta. This worksheet was developed by Nesta as a toolkit to help to map out the necessary steps for any individual/organisation need to take to achieve a particular goal. It serves to identify the potential impact and risks of your plan, and connect your work to a bigger goal. | |
Equality | Policy Paper | Directorate General for Justice and Consumers (2018) EU gender equality law. Brussels: European Commission. EU Gender Equality Law provides a general overview of gender equality law at the EU level. The publication is aimed at a broad – but not necessarily legal – public and explains the most important issues of the EU gender equality acquis. | |
Economy | Policy Paper | OECD (2020) CULTURE SHOCK: COVID-19 AND THE CULTURAL AND CREATIVE SECTORS summarises the challenges the sector is facing during the pandemic in a worldwide comparison using a variety of sources. | |
Education | Report | Cooper, B. (2018) The primary colours. London: Fabian Society. This report focuses on the decline of arts education in primary schools and how it can be reversed. | |
Evaluation | Toolkit | Hertie School of Governance (2017) Indicator Framework on Culture and Democracy. Berlin: Hertie School of Governance. This is an innovative tool to assess and optimise cultural policies using reliable data and an online application. The indicator framework demonstrates the links between culture and democracy, using conventional and cutting-edge statistical methods. | |
Employment | Report | Genders, A. (2019) An invisible army. Bristol: The University of the West of England. This report aims to complement current statistical data on freelance labour by providing a detailed, qualitative portrait of how freelancers negotiate precarious careers within specific regional contexts. | |
Evaluation | Report | Peraire, M., Valent, J. and Pascual, J. (2012) Cultural indicators. Barcelona: UCLG. This report was commissioned by the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments (UCLG) in the framework of the revision of Agenda 21 for Culture (2013-2015). | |
Education | Policy Paper | ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS (2017) Brussels manifesto on arts management, cultural management and policy education. Brussels: ENCATC. This Manifesto is intended to be a tool to reflect and advocate the shared values of three major networks - ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS - which represent a collective of arts and cultural management educational networks from Europe, North America and Asia. | |
Evaluation | Report | Mulgan. G. et al. (2019) Public value. London: Nesta. This report aims to make value more transparent and more open to interrogation, whether that concerns libraries, bicycle lanes, museums, primary health services or training programmes for the unemployed. | |
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