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Concepts | Type | About | Resource address |
Money | Policy Paper | Wider Sense (2020) explores insights into philanthropic engagement for Europe – an idea they refer to as philanthropy with a European purpose. The report is based on a literature review and 20 interviews with cultural activists, policy makers, academic experts, leading foundation staff and representatives of philanthropic umbrella organisations. | |
Memory | Report | Mendoza, N. (2017). The Mendoza Review: An Independent review of Museums in England. London: DCMS. It is the first review conducted in 10 years, focusing on focuses primarily on the 1,312 Arts Council England (ACE)-Accredited museums. It is commissioned by DCMS to gain a deeper understanding of the sector, the issues it faces, and how it can be best supported by government. | |
Memory | Report | Cannadine, D. (2018). Why Collect? A Report on Museum Collection Today. London: Wolfson Foundation. This report is an inquiry into the impact of these unprecedented challenges such as austerity, pressures and expectations of national and local governments from museums and galleries on the current collection practices (or the lack of them) of our museums and galleries. | |
Management | Toolkit | Patreon is a creator-founded company organisation model, helping creators build membership businesses that empower them to create on their own terms. It is an innovative membership-based business model that enables artists and creators gain a sustainable income | |
Marketing | Report | McAndrew, C. (2019) The art market report: 2019. Basel: Art Basel. The report analyses the global art market by looking at its different segments such as gallery business, auction houses, changing patterns of global wealth and art collecting, art fairs, online sales, and economic impact of the art market in general. | down load |
Marketing | Toolkit | Mei, J. and Moses, M. (2002) The Sotheby’s Mei Moses Indices. London and New York: Sotheby’s. Sotheby’s Mei Moses Indices are developed to serve as a preeminent measure of the state of the art market. They are developed to control differing levels of quality, size, colour, maker, and aesthetics of a work of art by analysing repeat sales. | |
Methodology | Report | Lijia, E. (2014) Art, research, empowerment: On the artist as a researcher. Stockholm: Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. This report concentrates on artistic research and its development, focusing primarily on Sweden, but also other western examples, from the point of view of artists who engage in research, investigate and experiment in a way that develops art and widens the ability to perceive the world. | |
Marketing | Toolkit | Culturehive (2017) Marketing Campaign Planning Guide. Cambridge: AMA. This guide helps to build campaign plans, which sit within overall marketing strategies of arts organisations to promote specific products, performances, exhibitions or services. | |
Management | Toolkit | Hogg, C. et al (2017) Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers. Brussels: ENCATC. This toolkit aims to explore how arts and culture organisations throughout EU can expand their online brand so as to push both the reach and significance of their current efforts | |
Money | Report | Zeqo, K. and De Voldere, I.. (2017) Crowdfunding: Reshaping the crowd's engagement in the culture. Brussels: European Commission. This study examines to what extent crowdfunding is used in the cultural and creative sectors in Europe. Based on information from nearly 75,000 crowdfunding campaigns, the study provides a unique insight into the uptake of crowdfunding since 2013 across different subsectors and models. | |
Money | Report | Directorate-General for Communication, Networks, content and Technology (2019) Ex-ante Evaluation of New Financial Instruments for SMEs, mid-caps and organisations from the cultural and creative sectors report. Brussels: European Commission. This report looks at the specific challenges that cultural and creative sectors face in funding new activities and enabling growth; these constraints are linked. | |
Money | Toolkit | Nesta (2018) Crowd in, Venture crowd and Banking on each other reports. In this blog, Nesta explores the potential of crowdfunding to help bring innovative ideas to life and giving advice on how to go about setting up a crowdfunding campaign | |
Memory | Policy Paper | Museum Association (2018) Collection 2030: Discussion paper. London: MA. Collections 2030 is a major new research project that seeks to understand the current state of museum collections in the UK. This work builds on the findings of the recent Museums Taskforce convened by the Museums Association. This paper represents the first stage in this process. | |
Marketing | Data Set | AMA helps people working in arts and cultural organisations reach more audiences with our training, events and resources. It provides resources, templates, advice, case studies and guidance. | |
Methods | Toolkit | Pearson, K.R. et al (2018) Arts-Based methods for transformative engagement. A toolkit. Wageningen: SUSPLACE. This toolkit that intends to support new ways of thinking and doing in our work as change agents towards regenerative societies. | |
Management | Case Study | AMA Culturehive is a free online resource library for culture professionals. Run by the Arts Marketing Association, it is an archive of everything produced, including older materials from Demos, Mission Models & Money. | |
Management | Report | Peraire, M., Valent, J. and Pascual, J. (2012) Local cultural planning and management. Barcelona: UCLG. This report was commissioned by the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments (UCLG) in the framework of the revision of Agenda 21 for Culture (2013-2015). | |
Methods | Report | Bishop, A. et al (2019) Innovation mapping now. London: Nesta. This report underlines the importance of new, more detailed and timely data and the usage of powerful analytics; it also outlines new ways of presenting information. | |
Methods | Data Set | Mayor of London (2019) London cultural infrastructure map. London: GLA. London Cultural Infrastructure Map plots the location of cultural infrastructure and enables the user to view it alongside useful contextual data, like transport networks and population growth. | |
Methods | Data Set | City Data Team (2019) The London datastore, London: GLA. The London Datastore was created by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with the aim of making it open and accessible for everyone. | |
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