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The resources in this section are meant to help you to create and understand budgets from an arts management perspective. They comprise practical information about commissioning, preparing contracts, and provide advice for exhibition remuneration. You can access updated artist pay rates and guides on how to save money and energy for your projects. In addition, you will find examples and templates: Budgets, cash flows and financial planning tools for different sectors of arts management. Listed below are also links to build fundraising skills and to access information about innovative and new ways of funding. Download a basic budget template here.


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Organizing the work of art museum report presents a study of the organizational charts of roughly one third of Association of Art Museum Directors member museums and interviews with roughly 20 of our member directors, focusing on strategic direction and organizational structure. It argues to deepen audience engagement and reach new audiences, the museums should align their organisational structure according to their services including adjustments in relevant departments.
Work Placement in the Arts and Cultural Sector: Diversity, Equality and Access research offers a number of recommendations to help Higher Education Institutions staff address equality issues in higher education work placements within the arts and cultural sector. It aims to research and identify challenges in accessing and completing a work placement, particularly students who are disabled or coming from BME or socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Look, I am Priceless handbook aims to guide arts organisations through the steps of evaluation. It provides pre-conceived tools to the arts organisations in case they have chosen to make its own evaluation ( in- house) or upon a request of funder/ decision-maker ( external). In the first case, this toolkit helps to design, carry out and use the evaluation; in the second, it helps to identify the risks and traps along the way, and to control the process.
How to Place Audiences at the Centre of Cultural Organisations toolkit- Part II intends to provide a series of implementable policy recommendations targeting decision-makers at the local, regional, national and EU levels. Also included are recommendations targeting cultural organizations, citizens’ initiatives and artists themselves which are followed by concrete examples of specific schemes and programmes that created the right conditions or fostered innovation.
Seize Matters is a report was compiled towards a better understanding of the value, operation and potential of small visual arts organisations. It explores the significant potential of small visual arts organisations have in the present cultural landscape and economy, also detailing the operational and investment challenges they face in realising this. Finally, it advocates a reconsideration of present assessment and investment practices.
Internships in The Arts -A Guide for Arts Organisations aims to open up entry routes for young people into creative and cultural industries. It also shows the current state of the arts and culture sector, how reliant it is on unpaid labour, how important first-hand work experience is, and what the demand is from young people for jobs, and suggests arts organisations to follow these guidelines to create fairly working conditions for young people.
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