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The resources in this section are meant to help you to create and understand budgets from an arts management perspective. They comprise practical information about commissioning, preparing contracts, and provide advice for exhibition remuneration. You can access updated artist pay rates and guides on how to save money and energy for your projects. In addition, you will find examples and templates: Budgets, cash flows and financial planning tools for different sectors of arts management. Listed below are also links to build fundraising skills and to access information about innovative and new ways of funding. Download a basic budget template here.


About (II)
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From Brass Band to Buskers: Street Music in the UK report aims to chart and critically examine available writing about the historical and contemporary presence of street music in the cultural landscape. The research has been done in four parts: First, investigating the knowledge and understanding surrounding street music; second, examining the cultural value of street music; third, exploring the scope of street music practice within the UK in particular; finally, evaluating the role of street music in the continual formation of communities and sense of place.
Data Set
The Canada Dance Mapping Study aims to identify, quantify and describe the ecology, economy and environment of dance in Canada. It was an initiative to investigate dance in its evolving state and in its multifaceted influences on the lives of Canadians. On this site, it is possible to access to interactive dance map, statistics and survey about it and relevant bibliography, including the role of dance in the life of Canadians.
Creating a Digital Policy and Plan is the training for National Portfolio Organisations by The Space. It follows a step by step approach, covering audiences, distribution and platforms and content creation, and finally organisational issues as section titles. The power point presentation slides provide a record of the training session and the case studies are available on the site.
Policy Paper
The City of London developed Area Enhancement Strategies for improving the streets and public spaces in the Square Mile. These strategies focus on sustainable growth and consultation with stakeholders and reflect the City and Mayor of London planning and transportation policies. It also draws attention to the formation of city cluster vision, which is an expanding part of the City with an increasing working population and a growing number of visitors. It aims to help to maintain the area’s attractiveness as a world-class business destination and increasingly as a hub for culture and leisure.
The Arts Development Company is a web site that provides a variety of resources to help artists make a living out of their work/ arts organisations deliver projects and support artists. Ranging from influencer marketing to how to style and photograph your work, from web site quick fixes to hashtags for artists and makers.
The Art of Soft Power: A Study of Cultural Diplomacy at the UN Office in Geneva is based on research report on cultural diplomacy. It reveals how and why art
is deployed by diplomatic missions alongside the formal business of the United Nations. It displaces existing assumptions and clarifies two distinct intentions: reaching out and standing out. It shows how diplomats use art and culture in the service of soft power.
Value, Measure, Sustainability report aims to map the range of knowledge- and skills- focused professional development programmes currently offered by arts organisations across the United Kingdom. With special focus to small scale organisations, it draws attention to the need to develop ways of measuring a wider variety of types of value, considering value according to fiscal, artistic, social and societal parameters.
Sharing the Stage: Policy, Practise and Quality outlines the results of the policy and practice seminar on ‘working with and influencing the mainstream, which aims to find ways to influence change in the short and long term, so that more inclusive models of practice can be developed. The document starts with a short literature review of the work on quality in the participatory arts sphere, then it explores what quality might mean through lenses of four groups of participants: project participants, social partners, audiences and the arts organisations
AMA Culturehive is a free online resource library for culture professionals, that brings the collective intelligence of the sector together in one place. It’s run by the Arts Marketing Association, a team of people passionate about engaging the public in arts, heritage and culture. Besides being a membership organization which is dedicated to drive better connections between arts and culture and the public via trainings, networking events, it also presents an archive of everything AMA has produced, including older material from Demos, Mission Models & Money.
Policy Paper
Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society a.k.a. offers Details of Treaty No.199 that emphasise the important aspects of heritage as they relate to human rights and democracy. It promotes a wider understanding of heritage, both as a resource for human development and also a part of economic development model based on principles of sustainable resource use, and its relationship to communities and society.
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