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Report | Mansfield, C. (2014) On with the show. Supporting local arts and culture. London: New Local Government Network. This report comprises case studies of local councils with different types of thinking to ensure their commitment to arts and culture while facing the challenge of declining resources. | | |
Case Study | Morris, Hargreaves and McIntyre (2013) The case study on cultural segments: Grayson Perry and the British Museum. London: MHM. Culture Segments is an innovative sector-specific segmentation system for arts and cultural organisations. This case study outlines how it has been used at the Grayson Perry: The tomb of the Unknown Craftsman exhibition at the British Museum. | | |
Data Set | CultureCase comprises selected academic research from scholars around the world that can add value to the work of the cultural sector. The research has been edited into accessible summaries of key findings and insights and provides empirical evidence to support activities. | | |
Report | Peraire, M. , Valent, J. and Pascual, J. (2012) Role of culture in achieving millennium development goals. Barcelona: UCLG. This report was commissioned by the Global Network of Cities, Local and Regional Governments (UCLG) in the framework of the revision of Agenda 21 for Culture (2013-2015). | | |
Policy Paper | DCMS (2016) The culture white paper. London: UK Government. This policy paper delineates the vision of culture and also culture in action, building on what has been done before. It is the first white paper for culture in 50 years. | |
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