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Policy Paper | Spiers policy brief outlines key findings from an Australian Research Council funded study of ASEs undertaken by researchers from RMIT and Charles Sturt University focusing on transition in Arts-based Social Enterprises. | | |
Report | RWSC, Tate and The University of Nottingham (2018) Time to Listen Report. This report provides an overview of what students say about the value of arts and cultural education. The Tracking Arts Engagement and Learning project (2016-2018) gathered 6,000 responses from young people (14-18) in secondary and special schools around England. | | |
Report | Cooper, B. (2018) The primary colours. London: Fabian Society. This report focuses on the decline of arts education in primary schools and how it can be reversed. | | |
Policy Paper | ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS (2017) Brussels manifesto on arts management, cultural management and policy education. Brussels: ENCATC. This Manifesto is intended to be a tool to reflect and advocate the shared values of three major networks - ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS - which represent a collective of arts and cultural management educational networks from Europe, North America and Asia. | |
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